Every time you visit Kroger to purchase groceries you can be donating to Women’s Care Center through the Community Rewards Program! We are now enrolled in the program. It is easy for you to select Women’s Care Center as your Community Reward recipient organization. Take the following steps:
1. Log in to www.kroger.com.
2. Sign in to your account. If you don’t have an account, select “create account” note: you will need a Kroger’s shoppers card to link to your account which you can get at the store.
3. Once you are signed in select “My Account” and in this area you will see “Community Rewards”. Search for Women’s Care Center (GX074) and click the enroll button.
Note: From the Kroger’s app you select “Rewards” and then “Community Rewards” and follow the last part of step #3.
The only issue we have encountered is a donor not finding Women’s Care Center during their search for organizations. This donor was getting organizations way out of our area. The fix was making sure there is a preferred store linked to your shopper’s card. It is located under “Communications” in your account.