It Takes a Community Ministry Luncheon

“It Takes a Community” to empower motherhood and promote LIFE! You are invited to an educational luncheon at Grand Pointe Conference Center to learn more about new services and growth plans at Women’s Care Center. A guest speaker will address the biggest challenge in today’s fight for LIFE. A buffet lunch will begin at 11:30 am. Please plan to join us!
What: Educational Ministry Luncheon
Note: This is not a fundraising event.
Where: Grant Pointe Conference Center
When: Friday, April 11; 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Who: Pastors, mission leaders, women’s ministry leaders, youth leaders, ministry directors, and community leaders
Why: Women’s Care Center would like to provide our ministry supporters education about a new service we will be providing called Abortion Pill Reversal. Our life saving services will take a big leap forward in 2025. We will give you a glimpse of our Mobile Medical Ministry which will launch in late 2025. Our guest speaker, Rebekkah Hagan, will give you more context to the importance of our reach with both these services as you hear her story. She was a young adult attending church and struggling with pregnancy decisions.
How: Register Today!