Imagine adding an unplanned pregnancy on top of the uncertainty during these unprecedented days. I have thought often of how these women and men might be feeling during the last few weeks. Scared, anxious, and nothing to distract their minds except the county, state, and world news. They are experiencing both a personal crisis and a global crisis.
Some have compared how we are dealing with this global crisis to the 5 stages of grief first published by Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in 1969 (see the model below). As I was reviewing this information, which was presented on a webinar for pregnancy centers last week, it occurred to me that our patients go through these same stages related to unplanned pregnancy. The death they feel they are experiencing in unplanned pregnancy is the “death of self”. They believe they will no longer be able to live the life they had prior to this pregnancy if they choose life. Our nurses must minister to their emotional state as they conduct the medical services of pregnancy testing and the ultrasound. God’s Spirit guides these appointments and He works in the hearts of the patients.
We are grateful to be here to answer calls everyday and see patients on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are working to serve those that are finding it difficult to choose life. Our staff covets your prayers especially during these trying days! We also appreciate your continued financial support.