As we have all witnessed the recent March for Life, Women’s March, and the NY law pass, it has brought abortion back into mainstream media and social media. A lot of graphic content about late term abortion has found its way into our laps. It has raised the consciousness of many who would like to ignore the subject all together or write it off as a political issue. It is easy to get the majority of the US to be abhorred by the thought of late term abortion (after 22 weeks). The fact that the heart beats at 3 weeks after conception (5 weeks LMP) and a baby is fully formed by 8 weeks, means there is no difference between the abortions under 13 weeks or over 22 weeks (make up 1.3% of all abortions). If we could only get the majority to feel the same way about 91.1% of abortions which are before 13 weeks. The numbers stated in this article come from the Center for Disease Control in their report entitled Abortion Surveillance.