Baby Bottle Campaign
The Baby Bottle Campaign is an easy way for churches to support Women’s Care Center. This event kicks off primarily two times a year in conjunction with Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (January) and Mother’s Day (May). However, we can accommodate any time frame that works with your church schedule. Distribute the bottles provided by Women’s Care Center to your church family. They will fill them with change, cash, or a check and bring them back. Simply return the bottles to Women’s Care Center once they are collected.

The Annual Banquet is our biggest fundraiser and is held in April. A wonderful dinner is provided by donor sponsored table hosts and a keynote speaker ends with an opportunity to give a one time gift and/or monthly giving.

Walk for Life
Walk for Life is held in October. You may walk alone or organize a group to walk with you. As a walker, you ask for financial pledges to sponsor you and support Women’s Care Center. This is an easy 2 mile walk around Parkersburg City Park, so come join us!